
This is a brief overview of a learning task. Requirements for a more specific task may vary substantially based on the goals or the data available to you.

We now have bk.txt and facts.txt as a result of the previous step. In order to get show some results, we will construct a toy data set from predicates easily available in the facts file.

The Declaration of Independence contains a set of phrases called the “List of Grievances”, where the Founders spell out the 27 violations by King George III.

We can turn these into a text classification task where we learn the structure of the grievances.

Positive and Negative Examples

Labeling data is often a task of its own, but we will take a shortcut and label sentences beginning with “He” or “For” as being positive examples. Everything else is labeled as negative.

  1. Create a ‘train’ directory for our training data.
mkdir train
  1. This combination of grep, awk, and sort finds all occurances of “He” and “For” in the facts; labels them as a positive example; and adds them to a train_pos.txt file.
grep "'He'\|'For'" facts.txt |
  awk '{gsub("wordString","sentenceContainsTarget");
        print}' |
  sort -u > train/train_pos.txt
  1. This command does something similar, but returns all sentences not containing the example.
grep "wordString" facts.txt |
  grep -v "'He'\|'For'" |
  awk '{gsub("wordString","sentenceContainsTarget");
        print}' |
  sort -u > train/train_neg.txt
  1. Some sentences have been counted twice–some negative examples are also present in the positive examples. Luckily we can do a set difference to fix this.
sort train/train_neg.txt train/train_pos.txt train/train_pos.txt |
  uniq -u > temp; mv temp train/train_neg.txt
  1. We want to learn about the structure of sentences, so we will replace the default target with our own and move a copy into the train/ directory.
awk '{gsub(".*Target.*",
           "mode: sentenceContainsTarget(+SID).");
      print}' bk.txt > train/train_bk.txt
  1. Finally, move the facts into the same directory.
mv facts.txt train/train_facts.txt

Our train directory should now contain four files, and the 27 positive examples each correspond to one of the grievances.

train_bk.txt          18 lines
train_facts.txt     6736 lines
train_neg.txt         17 lines
train_pos.txt         27 lines


Now that our data is organized, we use BoostSRL for learning. Download a copy of the jar file from the website and move it to the base of the repository.

java -jar v1-0.jar -l -combine \
     -train train/ -target sentenceContainsTarget \
     -trees 25

As expected, the model says that if a word appears early in a sentence, and the string representation of that word is “He”: the sentence is likely to be a member of the list of grievances (0.992).

Otherwise, the model makes the same check for the word “For”, assigning a high probability if it is (0.992) and a lower probability if not (0.167).

We can interpret this model as saying “If an early word in the sentence is ‘He’ or ‘For’, the sentence is part of the list of grievances.”